Our Collections Doing Research at SHS Links and ResourcesLinks & Resources
There are many online resources available for anyone interested in learning about the history of Sudbury. The following links may help you get started in your research.
Related Organizations in Sudbury
Several other commissions and organizations in Sudbury work to preserve the town's heritage.
- The Town of Sudbury makes information about the history of Sudbury available on the town website. A detailed map of the town is available at Maps On Line.
- The Sudbury Historical Commission is responsible for town owned historic buildings and sites including the Hosmer House and grounds, Loring Parsonage and grounds, Haynes Garrison Site, Revolutionary Training Field, R.R. Section House, and the Revolutionary War Cemetery.
- The Sudbury Historic Districts Commission is responsible for changes in houses in the town's historic districts: King Philip, Sudbury Town Center, George Pitts Tavern and Wayside Inn Districts 1 & 2.
- The Sudbury Archives began in November, 1991 as an effort to create a thorough index and database of the large collection of pre-1850 documents within the town of Sudbury, Massachusetts.
- The Goodnow Library houses a substantial collection of material relevant to town history and genealogy.
- The Wayside Inn is a well-known historic landmark in Sudbury that continues to operate as an Inn as well as managing its museum collections, extensive grounds and outbuildings and running a series of exhibitions and events. The Inn also houses a substantial archive.
- The Sudbury Companies of Militia & Minute and The Sudbury Ancient Fyfe and Drum Companie are local Colonial Reenactors.
- The Sudbury Senior Center has prepared a short History of Sudbury and of King Philip's War and the Sudbury Fight.
- Sudburians have been blogging snapshots of the town's history. For a story from the King Philip Historic District see Tea at the White House (on King Philip Rd.).
- Musicians of the Old Post Road perform period music locally and internationally.
Some Massachusetts Resources
There are a large number of resources in Massachusetts available for researching local history. These include:
- The Massachusetts Historical Society – an independent research library that collects, preserves, makes accessible, and communicates manuscripts and other materials in order to promote the study of the history of Massachusetts.
- The American Antiquarian Society – the leading independent research library focusing on American history, literature, and culture prior to 1876. Founded in 1812 in Worcester, Massachusetts.
- The The Digital Commonwealth – a compendium of digital collections in Massachusetts.
- The Northeast Branch of the National Archives.
- The The Boston Public Library.
- The Massachusetts State Archives.
- The Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS) contains the Massachusetts Historical Commission database for information on historic properties and areas in the Commonwealth.
- The New England Historic Genealogical Society Library.
- Boston 1775 – History, analysis, and unabashed gossip about the start of the American Revolution in Massachusetts.
- The Civil War Round Table of Greater Boston – History, education and outreach relating to the Civil War with an emphasis on Massachusetts involvement.
Historical Societies of Towns Adjoining Sudbury
All of the towns adjoining Sudbury have active Historical Societies.
- The Wayland Historical Society.
- The Marlborough Historical Society.
- The Framingham Historical Society.
- The Lincoln Historical Society.
- The Stow Historical Society.
- The Maynard Historical Society.
- The Hudson Historical Society.
- The Concord Museum.
- The Acton Historical Society.
- A list of local historical societies is published by the Museum Directory. A list of societies and historical sites can also be found at www.masshome.com.
- A list of local historical societies and a wealth of historic preservation information can be found at www.preservationdirectory.com.