Broadside Dated March 31, 1893Broadside dated March 31, 1893 announcing entertainment at Town HallSudbury Historical Society Collection Next Events Event Calendar Past Events

Past Events

The Society has been hosting programs about the history of Sudbury for over twenty-five years. Below is a list of some of the programs from the last ten years.

December 4-8, 2019 Loring Parsonage Festival of Wreaths

Preview the Loring Parsonage, enjoy some holiday cheer and bid on a wreath donated by one of Sudbury's own! The Historical Society is collecting hand-made wreaths from local businesses and community members. These wreaths will be on display in the Parsonage during the week leading up to the party and sold at silent auction to benefit the SHS. The auction ends during the cocktail party, so make sure you're there to place the winning bid on your favorite holiday wreath!

November 3, 2019 Letters from Sudbury, A History of the Postal Service

Speaker Steven Greene will trace the history of the various post office locations in South Sudbury, Sudbury, and North Sudbury from 1832 to the present. Examples of mail from these offices reveal stories about the inhabitants and the character of the town over more than 175 years of mail service. The types of mail and postage used further explain the operation of the postal service. A special section highlights the many commemorative and event covers originating in Sudbury.

October 6, 2019 The “Two Sudburys” Tour (Sudbury and Wayland) 1639-1730

A narrated bus tour of colonial-era Sudbury and Wayland. Stops include the Four-arch (Town) Bridge on the Sudbury River; North Cemetery; Mill Pond; the sites of the fourth and fifth (present) meeting houses (what would become East Sudbury in 1780 and Wayland in 1835); and finally to present-day Sudbury Center.

September 14, 2019 SHS Progressive Barn Dinner

The Sudbury Historical Society presents a progressive dinner in three neighboring Sudbury barns to raise funds for the Sudbury History Center at the Loring Parsonage.

June 8, 2019 Annual Meeting

After a brief business meeting to elect Officers and Trustees, there will be a presentation about the Loring Parsonage repurposing project to include an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at the renovations that have been going on. The SHS will also share its expectations for the coming year as the SHS prepares to open the Sudbury History Center.

April 7, 2019 Herb Gardening through a Sustainable Lens

Norma Weinberg, an herbal educator, writer, speaker, Master Gardener, and “what grows where” world traveler, will present an illustrated lecture about what it means to be a sustainable gardener and why herb gardening is eco-friendly. Weinberg, who is also the former chair of the New England Unit of the Herb Society of America and who currently serves as the 2019 Education Chair, will also explain that sustainability is a lifestyle that conserves resources and has immediate and long-term rewards.

March 3, 2019 A History of the Kidder House Bake Shop

Learn about one of Sudbury’s former heritage businesses, the Kidder House Bake Shop. The Kidder House Bake Shop was owned and operated by Theodore and Agnes (Bunny) Brown from 1958-1964 in a c1814 building in Mill Village that was formerly the residence of Captain Enoch Kidder. Sadly the building was lost during the 1999 Mill Village fire, but the commercial block was redeveloped and Duck Soup, Franco’s, and many other businesses stand on the site. Linda Brown O’Brien and Stephen Brown will talk about their parents’ shop, the significance of the Kidder name, what a day in the life of a baker entailed, and the Bake Shop’s specialties such as donuts, breads, decorated cakes, and baked beans on Saturdays. As the family lived just a few doors down from the Bake Shop on Boston Post Road, they too learned the tools of the trade. Using some of her father’s equipment Linda O’Brien will offer a cake decorating demonstration as part of the talk. After the program attendees can sample some of the Brown family’s special recipes at the refreshment table.

November 4, 2018 The History of Henry Ford's Carding Millvideo

Join Chris Hagger, Sudbury resident and Chair of the Sudbury Historical Commission, for an illustrated talk on the history of Carding Mill, including its purchase and reconstruction in Sudbury. The Margaret Fredrickson Memorial Lecture will be held each November to honor the memory of our beloved SHS member, volunteer, and friend, Peggy Fredrickson, who dedicated many years of service to the advancement of local history education.

October 23, 2018 Let the Landscape Speak : A Talk on the Importance and Meaning of the Indigenous Ceremonial Stone Landscapevideo

The hills and valleys of New England are dotted with living prayers of stone (Ceremonial Stone Landscapes) created by the indigenous peoples of this region. These stone structures were built to create and restore harmony between human beings and Mother Earth. The prayers that they embody continue to live as long as the stones are kept intact.
In response to Eversource’s proposed Sudbury to Hudson Transmission Project, the Town of Sudbury and local nonprofit Protect Sudbury invited regional tribal experts Doug Harris and Bettina Washington (Historic Preservation Officers for the Narragansett and Wampanoag Tribes) to conduct a preliminary walkthrough and assessment of whether Eversource’s proposed clearing might impact sacred ceremonial stone landscapes.
The Town of Sudbury, in conjunction with its sponsors Protect Sudbury and the Sudbury Historical Society, will host a panel of experts led by Bettina Washington to educate the Sudbury community on the presence and meaning of sacred ceremonial landscapes in our community, the important place in history that the Town of Sudbury holds for the Indigenous peoples of the Northeast region, and to share insights from the preliminary walkthrough along the proposed Eversource project path as well as research that has been conducted on known indigenous ceremonial sites in Sudbury.
Panelists include Bettina Washington (Tribal Historic Preservation Officer of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head Aquinnah and Chairwoman of the Culture and Heritage Committee of the United South and Eastern Tribes), Doug Harris (Deputy Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Narragansett Indian Tribal Historic Preservation Office), Lee Swanson (long-time Sudbury resident and historian), and Cathy Taylor (Research Specialist and Caretaker for Narragansett Indian Tribal Historic Preservation Trust).

October 11, 2018 Stories in Stonevideo

Join monument conservator Ta Mara Conde of Historic Gravestone Services, for an illustrated talk on early American burial grounds. Discover the meaning of symbols adorning historic gravestones and follow their evolution through society’s changing attitude towards death. Learn about geology found in local burial grounds and how the styles of stones and materials used changed with the times. Also discussed will be preservation and conservation techniques and standards which guide conservators in their work. Ms. Conde has over 18 years’ experience in her field working on projects across the nation. In Conde’s words, burial grounds are outdoor museums to the average man, accessible and open to all. The stones reveal the history of the town and the people who lived there through the stories on the stones.

June 10, 2018 Look at This! A Show & Tell of the SHS Collectionsvideo

Join the SHS Collections Team to see a curated display of some of the SHS’s special collections. An opportunity to hear about some new acquisitions and items rarely seen before! Prior to the Show and Tell program we will conduct our short Annual Business Meeting.

March 4, 2018 The History and Evolution of The Sudbury Senior Center by Ruth Griesel and Debra Gallowayvideo

Just a few years ago, the Sudbury Senior Center was located in the parsonage of a local church. Its space and offerings were minimal. From those humble beginnings, the Center has evolved into the dynamic institution of today — one that offers opportunities for lifelong learning, resources for health maintenance and education, travel, entertainment, and more, much more. The story of this evolution is a fascinating one. It involves dedicated volunteers with a vision and also local politics. T.

January 28, 2018 If These Halls Could Talk: A History of Sudbury’s Town Hall Building by Chris Morel video

Explore the history and impact of Sudbury’s Town Hall buildings — the first built on the town common in 1846 and the second in 1930 by three resident architects of national and world renown (Ralph Adams Cram, Joseph Everett Chandler, and Charles Henry Way). During the worst years of the Depression the small town of Sudbury organized and sacrificed to recreate a town symbol to anchor Sudbury’s historic community space. Hear what transpired in the building since that time. Also to be discussed will be the Town Hall’s role and impact upon Sudbury and greater town center in the 21st century, as well as the statewide movement to rejuvenate historic town halls.
The program will be led by Sudbury native Chris Morely, longtime Chair of the Community Preservation Committee and 16 year member of the Planning Board, among numerous other local volunteer endeavors. In 2015 and 2016, Mr. Morely served as a member of the Town Hall Blue Ribbon Committee. Chris himself has spent significant time involved in activities held in the Town Hall during every stage of his life, totaling thousands of hours. The program will be informed by that experience, his degree in U.S. History, and his work in real estate development and architecture as they relate to the adaptive reuse of older buildings.

November 5, 2017 The World of Fine Teas: The History and Variety of a Unique Beverage by Hartley E. Johnson video

Join presenter Hartley E. Johnson, owner of Mark T. Wendell Tea Company and Grace Tea Company, two local family-run businesses for three generations, as he offers an understanding of the many aspects of the world of specialty teas, including an overview of the numerous varieties of tea, the history of tea, and its place in cultures around the world. Attendees will also learn how teas are produced and how to brew the perfect cup of tea. Several tea varieties will be brewed for comparison and discussion.

October 7, 2017Walking Tour of Wadsworth Cemetery by Elin Neiterman

Tour guide Elin Neiterman will point out memorial art and architecture, burial sites of Sudbury’s notable citizens, and will explain burial customs and how this quiet sanctuary evolved and is maintained. This year the tour will be enhanced with appearances from special guests from veterans’ groups, the Sudbury Companies of Militia and Minute, the United Native American Cultural Center, and costumed interpreters portraying some of Sudbury’s former residents.

June 29, 2017 Declaring Independence, Then & Now: Bringing to Life a “National Scripture”

In 1776, the Massachusetts Assembly ordered the town ministers to read the declaration sent by the Continental Congress and record the fact in their town records. Mary Fuhrer will narrate the events surrounding the readings and Revolutionary War re-enactors—Larry Leonard, Betsey Cutler, Hal Cutler, Allan Van Wert, and Alan Billingsley Rohwer—will read excerpts from the records of several Massachusetts’ towns and parts of the Declaration, as well as discuss the mindset of several towns’ leaders and how the Declaration’s ideas affect how American government operates today. Maud Ayson and Mary Fuhrer will introduce the event and Mary Fuhrer will moderate a Q&A.

June 11, 2017 Trench Art: Art Forged in Fire, Blood and Destruction to Honor the Courage, Duty and Sacrifice of Those Who Would Possess It by Peter R. Harvell video

Speaker Peter R. Harvell, Retired Lieutenant Colonel USA, will show an exhibit and give a talk that will include artifacts made from debris found on the battlefield. Harvell's collection spans artifacts from the Civil War through to today's conflict and includes cannon shell casings, shrapnel and discarded personal equipment such as bayonets, knives and helmets. It includes a clock made of a large shell casing from the famous “Anio Annie”, a German cannon taken from a battleship and put onto a railroad car to shoot at the Allied Forces on the Anzio Invasion beachead. Other items include Civil War letters and a rare first-hand account written by Sudbury resident Donald Pierce, an Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) frogman who swam ashore in Japan at the end of World War II.

May 6, 2017 2017 House Tour: Modern Architecture: Mid-century Modern to the New Millennium

Join us for our 3rd Annual House Tour — one of Sudbury's most popular annual events. This year we showcase Modern Architecture: Mid-Century to the New Millennium and Pink Flamingos! If you enjoy history, architecture, mid-century design, or pink flamingos, you do not want to miss this event. Proceeds support the Sudbury Historical Society's Sudbury History Center being built at the Loring Parsonage.

April 5, 2017 As it Happened: Revere's Ride by Chris Tobin

Reenactor Chris Tobin with the National Lancers will tell of Revere's perspective on his involvement in the midnight ride as explained in a letter from Revere to Jeremy Belknap. A reading of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem “Paul Revere's Ride” and a screening of the 2016 Midnight Ride video produced by the Lexington Historical Society will be included.

March 5, 2017 Sudbury School Days - 1940s and 1950s by Jacqui Bauskvideo

Speaker Jacqui (MacLean) Bausk along with a panel of classmates, will talk with the audience about what it was like growing up in Sudbury during the “good old days”. Video clips from recent class reunions and old photographs will illustrate the talk.

February 5, 2017 The Leveller by Jacqueline Dembar Greenevideo

When Jacqueline Dembar Greene discovered the legend of Westborough’s Tom Cook, the wily colonial figure haunted her until she gave him a voice. Was he a thief, or was he truly leveling off the fortunes of those who had more than they needed with those who never had enough? Metrowest’s own Robin Hood became the kernel for her middle-grade historical novel, The Leveller, set in 1789.

November 6, 2016 300 Years on Concord Road: A History of the Osborn Family by David Colombovideo

Using original sources, David Colombo, a descendent of the Osborn family, will present the history of his family's farms telling personal accounts about his ancestors who lived in Sudbury for generations. He'll show photographs, heirlooms and antiques used in the everyday life at the homesteads.

October 23, 2016 History Walk at Pantry Brook Farm

Visit one of the most scenic areas in town for a walk given by the property owner Carole Wolfe, SHS historian Lee Swanson and the Sudbury Valley Trustees. View historic buildings, farm fields, stone walls, the Pantry Brook and learn about the history of the farm.

October 2, 2016 History of Wolbach Farm by Alice Wellingtonvideo

Alice Wellington, a Concord-based photographer and grand-niece of Burt and Anna Wolbach who bought the farm in 1936 will present family recollections and the accomplishments and pursuits of the Wolbachs. Known as Winter Brook Farm, the home of Dr. S. Burt Wolbach, a prominent Harvard Medical School pathologist and his wife, Anna Wellington Wolbach, a Radcliffe alumna, was the gathering place for family Thanksgiving celebrations for generations. The home was named for the stream that ran trough the farm all winter long.

June 5, 2016 History of Wolbach Farmvideo

Alice Wellington, a Concord-based photographer and grand-niece of Burt and Anna Wolbach who bought the farm in 1936 presents family recollections and the accomplishments and pursuits of the Wolbachs.

June 1, 2016 The History of Power Line Battlesvideo

In the 50's and again in the 60's Boston Edison attempted to put high tension power lines through Sudbury. Knowing this history is important to understand the town's battle with Eversource today. A look back at the attempts to put high tension lines through Sudbury presented by Katina Fontes former professor of History and Heritage Studies at Regis College. Chris Hamilton, Board Member of Protect Sudbury, will conclude the program with a brief update on Protect Sudbury’s efforts.

May 21, 2016 2016 Home & Hearth Tour

Tour six residences plus the former B&M Railroad Section House. Learn about the history of the neighborhood including the story of the Battle of Green Hill during the King Philip War.

March 6, 2016 The League of Women Voters: Helping to Shape Sudbury’s History for 60 Years by Sue Abrams video

An illustrated talk in honor of Women’s History Month. LWV Board member and former President Sue Abrams talks about the history and founding of the League in 1957 and the various League-sponsored studies that have impacted Sudbury’s civic life ever since.

April 6, 2016 Ezekiel How: Innkeeper, Soldier, Citizen video

In honor of the Inn’s 300th Anniversary, partake in a special prix fixe dinner and enjoy our program with reenactor Tony Howes detailing Ezekiel How’s involvement in Sudbury life before, during and after the Revolution.

February 7, 2016 A Little Bit of Sweden, A History of Svensk Kaffestuga video

An illustrated talk by Elin Neiterman, with Lisa Forsberg, granddaughter of the restaurant’s owners. Elin and Lisa discuss the history of the restaurant that stood at 394 Boston Post Road.

November 1, 2015 Early Maps of Sudbury: Who Made them and Why video

A lecture and exhibition at the Town Hall. Speaker Jan Hardenbergh discusses his newly published book, Historical Maps of Sudbury, Massachusetts Maps are on display from the collection of Robert Maier.

October 24, 2015 Walking Tour of Wadsworth Cemetery 

Tour guides Elin Neiterman and Sally Hild and will point out memorial art and architecture, burial sites of Sudbury’s notable citizens, and explains burial customs and how this quiet sanctuary evolved and is maintained.

June 7, 2015 Where They Were and How They Grew video

A look at Sudbury schools from early days to the present. Preceded by the SHS annual meeting.

May 16, 2015 Home and Hearth Tour 

The house tour features homes on Lower Concord Road from Town Center to Mill Village including six private homes, the Hosmer House, and the History Room at the Goodnow Library. Come visit some of the historic homes and gardens here in town and learn about the history of the street.

April 12, 2015 Sudbury’s Road to the Revolutionary War (1765-1775) video

A dramatic reading of Sudbury Town Meetings and the diary of Experience Richardson in the context of the historian’s overview. Produced and directed by Peg Fredrickson.

March 1, 2015 The Untold Story of Henry Ford’s Underground Cooling Plant video

Richard Gnatowski (the miller of the Grist Mill) and Dr. Tony Howes present the Untold Story of Henry Ford’s Underground Cooling Plant (next to the Grist Mill) including related significant stories.

February 1, 2015 Wheeling, Dealing, A Dump and Sudbury’s Future video

The story of the Wheeler Family’s war with Wayland and Sudbury and how the town boundaries were made. The presenter is Ernie Beer, a Society member and regular presenter of interesting programs about local people, places and things.

November 9, 2014 Remember. Reflect. Explain 

Thatcher Freund, published author and journalist will present He says “Writing down the stories of our lives is one of the most important things we can do for those who follow us. We Live. We learn. In telling our stories we help our children and our children’s children remember who we were, and, from remembering us, to better know themselves.”

October 24, 2014 Musicians of the Old Post Road Concert 

“NOW and THEN”- a musical sound exploration of period and modern instruments, First Parish, Sudbury.

October 5, 2014 Sudbury Plantation Un-covered: Archaeological Evidence of the First Residents video

Celebrate Archaeology Month with Tonya Largy, Wayland resident and archaeological consultant specializing in the analysis of plant and animal remains from archaeological sites.

June 8, 2014 The Men who Marched to Concord, April 19, 1775 video

Presented by Dan Meenan and George Quintal. Each man had his own history and his own family and George will introduce us to these individual men who marched to fight in Concord and the route they took to get there.

May 4, 2014 War Memorials of Sudbury video

Rachel Goodrich presents an overview of Sudbury’s Monuments and Memorials including interesting facts discovered while researching them and an update on the Sudbury Monument Restoration Project.

April 6, 2014 Rev. Edmund Brown's Library: a Concert Drawn from a Puritan Minister's Musical Interests video

As a part of Sudbury’s and Wayland’s 375th anniversary celebration, the Sudbury Historical Society presents a concert in honor of one of the founders and the first minister of the Sudbury Plantation, the Reverend Edmund Brown. He was known for being a good-standing Puritan minister and for being a wealthy citizen of the plantation, possessing the largest amount of property in the plantation. Surprisingly, he was also an amateur musician, traveling to the colony with a bass viol and his library of 180 books – some of which were certainly music books.
Since any records of exactly what books he had no longer exist, the concert attempts to recreate the books of music that would have been in the Rev. Brown’s library. The selections were based on the most popular pieces for viols and church music in 16th-17th century England, featuring pieces by Byrd, Gibbons, Kirbye, and more.
The concert will be performed on period-instruments by 4 members of the Boston-area viol consort “Long & Away” and soprano Sarah Orlovsky.

March 2, 2014 Railroads in Sudbury video

Knowledgeable railroad enthusiasts Dick Williamson, Henry Keutmann and Bill Davies tell of the two railroads that served Sudbury.

February 2, 2014 The King Philip War in Sudbury video

Town Historian Lee Swanson and a supporting cast bring to life what happened in Sudbury in April 1676.

January 12th, 2014 Puritans Make a Village video

Join us for our kick off of Sudbury's 375th Anniversary Celebration. Hal Cutler uses his extensive knowledge of the Goodnow family and Sumner Chilton Powell's Pulitzer Prize winning book Puritan Village - The Formation of a New England Town to provide a look at the beginning of Sudbury.

December 15th, 2013 Christmas from Olde New England Musicians of the Old Post Road

Rousing original arrangements of familiar seasonal tunes, sweet solo songs, and festive instrumental works featuring Schola Cantorum of Boston, Frederick Jodry, Director.

November 19th, 2013 Genealogy 101 video

A 2 hour introductory genealogy seminar taught by experts Elin Neiterman and Rachel Goodrich, that will provide beginners with the foundational skills and tools to begin researching their family tree including tips for getting started, important genealogical resources and keys to organizing information. Ms. Goodrich has a certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University.

November 10th, 2013 The Fabric of Life in Sudbury

On the second floor of the Town Hall, objects from Society collections will be on display to illustrate life in Sudbury through the centuries. A short video of the displays will be available on the first floor.

October 19th, 2013 Rev. Israel Loring of Sudbury (1682-1772) video

Jane Graham will talk about Rev. Israel Loring who served the town for 66 years and left extensive journals.

September 21st, 2013 Five Century House Tour in Wayland

One house from each century. Vans will be used to transport attendees to the houses. All tours begin at the New Wayland Town Center. For information call the Wayland Historical Society 508-358-7959. $30 or $25 in advance. This is a 375th Anniversary event put on by Wayland in conjunction with SHS.

June 9th, 2013 Ice Cream Social and Annual Meeting video

An Ice Cream Social with all the fixings as we thank our members and volunteers. We present a Vision of Our Future Program preceded by the SHS Annual Meeting and Election of officers and trustees.

May 5th, 2013 Hattie Goodnow's Life and Legacy video

Hattie Goodnow's Life and Legacy told by Ernie Beer. The story of a Sudbury spinster School Teacher who taught herself photography & chronicled life in Sudbury and elsewhere from the 1890's to the 1940'.

April 7th, 2013 The History of the (Recreated) Sudbury Companies of Militia & Minute video

The History of the (Recreated) Sudbury Companies of Militia & Minute, in Fact & Fiction will be presented by Dr. Anthony Howes (with tongue firmly planted in cheek) and a cast of thousands.

March 3rd, 2013 Isaac Edrehi — The “Spanish Jew”video

A remarkable new look at Isaac Edrehi, the “Spanish Jew”, one of the characters in Longfellow's Tales of a Wayside Inn Presented by Joyce Michel, with the help of Richard Gnatowski.

February 3rd, 2013 History Matters! video

William Hosley, celebrated historian and scholar presents a Picture Show & Talk about the need to rekindle awe, aspiration and civic attachment. In other words, let's rebuild Sudbury Community spirit!

November 11th, 2012 Book Launch for Sudbury in Arcadia's Images of America series video

After 56 years (finally) the Society is publishing our own picture book of historical photographs. The images will be shown on screen with a detailed commentary.

October 7th, 2012 The Real Wayside Inn video

Brian Plumb presents his new picture book of the Wayside Inn, and tell you the stories behind the pictures. An active member of the Fife & Drum, he fell in love with our old Inn, and then he did something about it — he wrote A History of Longfellow's Wayside Inn

September 23rd, 2012 Discover Historic Sudbury Center family walking tour video

Five Historic Buildings will be open. Tour Guides will accompany each group. Presenters will be at twelve sites and a cast of characters will be within the buildings. Includes a performing organist and surprises!

June 10th, 2012 The Nelson Fairbank Diaries, 1870 to 1880 video

The Nelson Fairbank Diaries, 1870 to 1880 as told by Ernie Beer and Sally Barrett. Enjoy this entertaining window into the daily life of a skilled mason.

May 6th, 2012 The Jacob Bigelow, Jr. Story  video

Follow the story of the son of a Sudbury preacher to fame and fortune. Jacob also helped found Mt. Auburn Cemetery.

April 1st, 2012 The South Sudbury Naborhood (King Philip Historic District) video

The South Sudbury Naborhood (King Philip Historic District) as told by Gretchen Schuler, eminent house historian.

March 11th, 2012 The Camp Sewataro Story video

The Camp Sewataro Story as told by Bill Dowie and the Taylor Family. Come and hear about a Summer Day Camp, in the middle of Sudbury that has quietly served the public for 50+ years.

February 5th, 2012 Signature Quilts & the Stories They Tell video

Signature Quilts & the Stories They Tell as told by Pamela Weeks — author and curator of the New England Quilt Museum.

January 8th, 2012 Appraisal: Antiques and Collectibles video

Stuart Slavid of Skinner’s Auction Gallery fame and “Antiques Roadshow” TV show will value your items for this fun event!

November 6, 2011 Book Launch for “From Your Loving Son” video

Join us for the launch of our new book “From your loving son” Civil War Correspondence and Diaries of Private George F. Moore and His Family Based on our unique collection of letters from the front, our book includes rare answering letters from the family. Edited by Mary Ellen Hoover, Elin Williams Neiterman, and E. Dianne James, a dramatic reading of a selection of the letters will be featured.

October 2, 2011 Walking Tour of Historic Sudbury Center video

Meet an Indian, Mrs. Loring, Rev. Loring, and the Pound Keeper, and hear words from the grave.

September 18, 2011 Ancestor Day with the Noyes Family video

Celebrate the Noyes Family, one of Sudbury’s founding families, presented by Amy Bowker Noyes. Paul Weis (who played the part of founder Peter Noyes in the 1989 play “Town Meeting Tonight”) will participate with some songs from that play. Recent Noyes family gifts to the Society will be displayed, including documented quilts from this historic family.

June 12, 2011 History of the Ti-SALES Neighborhood video

Hear about the history of the Ti-SALES neighborhood, including the railroad station, Young's store, Stiles Coal, etc. Bert Tighe and the SHS will share their pictures and memories of the changes through the years.

May 1, 2011 Bus Tour of Prohibition Sites of Sudbury

Get on a Luxury Bus and be brought back in time to 1920 to 1933 when Prohibition reigned by the law in this land. Sudbury was a quiet country town taking up a 24 square mile area. It attracted some outside people here to make a buck, but it was mostly local people who saw an opportunity to help themselves, especially after the Depression hit here.

April 3, 2011 Town Meeting Tonight video

Paula Adelson will join us 22 years later as we revisit the late Dr. Bill Adelson's play, which was the high point of our town's 350th Celebration in 1989. Come for a taste of this Broadway caliber original music and lyrics (mostly by Ken Getz and Steve Espinola who will also be present) with a remarkable cast.

March 6, 2011 Ice — The Old Fashioned Way video

Richard Gnatowski (the miller at the Wayside Inn Grist Mill) will show displays and a newly made film that teaches us how to cut ice (from a millpond!) for your wooden ice box.

February 6, 2011 The Sudbury Savoyards video

The Sudbury Savoyards remember their fifty years of bringing Gilbert & Sullivan performances to the area. Come join us for a joyous event of live entertainment, stories, videos and displays. Humming along to well-loved tunes will be encouraged!

January 9, 2011 The Mary Rowlandson Story video

The Mary Rowlandson Story portrayed by actress Katie Green. In 1676, during King Philip's War, Mary Rowlandson was captured in Lancaster. She was a prisoner for eleven weeks in which time she traveled over 200 miles while serving King Philip and his family. After her release, she published a diary in which the Sudbury Fight is mentioned many times. This special program was funded by the Sudbury Cultural Council.
Read Mary's account.

November 14, 2010 Wayside Inn Boys School (1928-1947) video

The story of the Wayside Inn Boys School (1928-1947), as told through the eyes and experience of Carmino (Moose) Longhi, one of the school's graduates (class of 1942). He was given a chance to succeed in life by Henry Ford, and he took it!

October 3, 2010 The Black Hole in the Map of Sudbury video

Lee Swanson, Karen Riggert and others prepare us for the opening of the new Visitor Center at the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge with a presentation on the history of the ARNWR land using photos, video maps and first person accounts of the pre WW II use of the land as well as the WW II use of the land. Learn about those mysterious bunkers!

September 19, 2010 Ancestor Day: The Fairbanks Family video

Celebrate one of Sudbury's early families, the Fairbanks Family, presented by the director of the Fairbanks House in Dedham.

June 6, 2010 The Cavicchio Family Story video

Paul Cavicchio recounts the Cavicchio Family Story. Hear from the grandson of the man who stood up to Henry Ford! The presentation will be preceded by the SHS Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Trustees.

May 2, 2010 The Francis Koppeis Story: Innkeeper Extraordinaire video

Ann Koppeis Bowles tells the story of her father, Innkeeper Extraordinaire from 1959 to 1989, who brought Life, Love and Hospitality to the Wayside Inn.

March 7, 2010 Farm Life in South Sudbury video

Early 20th Century Views of life as it was, via the Ames and Smith family picture albums. Over 250 acres on the Framingham line on Landham Road and Woodside Road will be shown "as it was" with stories told by Ernie Beer.

February 7, 2010 Best Kept Secret in our town! video

Sudbury's The Concord Review, famous all over the world is not known here! Since 1987, it has published 835 history research papers written by High School Students only from 36 countries. Three students have gone on to win Rhodes Scholarships. Meet the founder Will Fitzhugh and hear his story.

November 1, 2009 The Gold and Treasures of Sudbury

Mostly true stories of pirates, highwaymen, buried treasure and natural treasures that the colonists sought out in Sudbury. With an exhibit of Found Objects from our collections. Let Anthony Howes amaze you with tales of treasure lost and found.

October 11, 2009 SHS Art Show video

For one day only, the Sudbury Historical Society's Art Collection will displayed with the help of Fred Scott (former owner of the Scott Gallery). Sudbury artists including E. Helene Sherman, Florence Hosmer, Gertrude Rice, Jane Brown, Thelma McAlpine Ernst and rare examples of unknown Sudbury artsits will be on display.

September 20, 2009 Ancestor Day - The Rice Family video

Celebrating Sudbury's founding families, this year hear about the Rice Family as told by George and Michael Rice of the Edmund Rice (1638) Association.

June 7, 2009 The story of "Raymond's" where you bot the hat Department Store video

The story of "Raymond's" where you bot the hat Department Store, the Raymonds of Raymond Road Sudbury and Frank I. Dorr of Framingham. Presented with help from the Framingham Historical Society. Preceded by the SHS Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Trustees

May 3, 2009 A Pox On You video

The History of the Small Pox Contagion in Sudbury with Dr. Anthony Howes and a cast of the forgotten. The Pest House and the Small Pox Cemetery at Mt Nobscot (recently put under permanent conservation restrictions by the Knox Trail Council Boy Scouts and the citizens of Sudbury) are also included.

April 5, 2009 Magical Mystery Tour of Historic Sudbury video

A Virtual Tour of Sudbury sites which you may have heard of, but never managed to get to will be presented. No mosquito spray necessary! No hip waders or rubber boots! Just sit and enjoy Terry Keeney and Anthony Howes' guided tour.)

March 1, 2009 The story of Lyman Howe, A Man of Ancient Pedigree

The story of Lyman Howe A Man of Ancient Pedigree* of Howe's Hotel or Inn, now known as the Wayside Inn will be told by Richard Gnatowski, the miller of the Inn. The innkeeper may have died in 1861, but the set of poems he inspired will live forever. (*quote from Longfellow's Tales of a Wayside Inn)

February 1, 2009 The Moore Civil War Diaries and Lettersvideo

Since the Society purchased (by public subscription in 2000) the two way correspondence of Sudbury Civil War soldier George Moore and his family the letters have been transcribed by Mary Ellen Hoover and the late Virginia Maenpaa. Now George's diaries and a Moore family diary from the 1890's have been transcribed as well. This combined material reads like a great movie script, so come, listen, and go back in time.

November 2, 2008 Peaceable Under Their Own Vine & Fig Tree

A view of religion in early Sudbury, Peaceable under their own Vine and Fig Tree* led by Reverend Katie Lee Crane. The history of religious life on this side of the River when there was only the Meeting House with its Town Meetings and on Sunday a five hour sermon by the town supported Minister. (* quote from the Reminiscences of Mary Gleason Haynes, 1865)

October 5, 2008 Gravestones Don't Lie – stories of the restoration of the Revolutionary War Graveyard.

Kai will entertainingly inform you as to what the skulls, angels, willow trees and vases mean, and how he does his work. Plus his recent discoveries here in Sudbury.

June 1, 2008 Sudbury Remembers Sudbury's Babe Ruthvideo

Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Trustees and approval of proposed by laws Bylaws a Sudbury Remembers Sudbury's Babe Ruth, with the owner of the Babe Ruth House, Dennis Gavin and his son Lee who may well have broken the Curse of the Bambino. With all new stories, and facts, and artifacts. Plus pictures you have never seen before. Meet the Big Bambino here!

May 4, 2008 Bus Tour of Great Meadow and the Sudbury River

Brian Donahue (author and Professor at Brandeis University) will guide us on a tour of the Great Meadow and the Sudbury River. We will go to the Billerica Dam which had an enormous impact on farming along the river for centuries. He will engage you, with an unprecedented look at how colonial farmers adapted to the challenges of New England's climate and soil and achieved a sustainable agricultural system. (Fifty people attended)

April 6, 2008 The Maynard Farm on Powers Road.

The current owners, Carol and Barry Sheingold, will lead us thru the fascinating history and stories of the Maynard Family farm, with it's unique features that even Henry David Thoreau mentions in his writing! (83 people attended)

March 9, 2008 Skinner's Antique Appraisal Event.

A well known appraiser will give you the value of your item, no coins, stamps, jewelry or musical instruments. Very entertaining, only $10 per item. Please call ahead to register. Only the first 40 items will be scheduled. (82 attended)

February 10, 2008 Sudbury Remembers Ralph Adams Cram.

Architect Ethan Anthony, recently published The Architecture of Ralph Adams Cram and His Office after 10 years of research. R.A. CRAM was America's foremost Ecclesiastical Architect and the designer of St. John the Divine in New York. He lived in Sudbury on Concord Rd, and is buried in Sudbury next to St. Elizabeth's Cram Chapel. His book may be ordered from the Society. There will be a book signing after the program.

November 4, 2007 Sudbury Remembers: The Sudbury Fire Department

A history of some hot times. Hal Cutler will recreate the history of our own Fire Department, thru story, objects, and photo's, including the Wayside Inn Fires, with open mike for your memories.

October 7, 2007 Geoffrey Evans returns with his unique understanding of Native Americans

Geoffrey Evans returns with his unique understanding of Native Americans: Philosophy, and beliefs, with his flute music and drums. If a good day, it will be at Heritage Park. Bring a beach chair or blanket.

June 3, 2007 Sudbury Remembers: The Early Days of the Buddy Dog Humane Society

Annual Meeting and election of officers and trustees. Followed by a program on the the story of the early days of the Buddy Dog Humane Society, Inc. and the position of the dog in the American Family.

May 6, 2007 Sudbury Remembers: The Wayside Country Store

(Formerly the Garfield/Parmenter General Store in Sudbury Center.) SHS Curator Lee Swanson will present a lively program with memorabilia and anecdotes of his family's business on the shore of Hager Pond, Marlborough.

April 1, 2007 It's Alive: Sudbury's Poor Farm and Tramp House on Old Marlboro Road

Come find how Sudbury treated its poor and indigent from the earliest days. With Brook Meggs of the Meachen Farm and others.

March 4, 2007 It's Alive: Sudbury's Town Seal

The history of the town seal and the history of King Philip's War (1675-1676) that caused the Wadsworth Monument to be erected. Come hear how we lost the major battle here in Sudbury. With new facts and artifacts on the war that changed American history. (Over 100 people attended)

Feburary 4, 2007 He's Alive! Mr. Longfellow Returns to Sudbury

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (a.k.a. Walter Murphy) who recreates moments in the life of the man who made the Wayside Inn famous. (Over 80 people attended)