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Our new logo by Sudbury designer Bethany Schlegel Shaw is stylized image of the Loring Parsonage where our new History Center will be located. The colors incorporate various structural components of this almost 300 year old building. The Loring Parsonage in caricature signifies looking at history from a modern perspective, which is at the core of the SHS mission.

For many years our logo was based on the Portico Lantern which hangs over the front door of Town Hall where we were located. The lantern was given to the town in 1914 by the Goodman Society and is based on a design by renowned Sudbury architect Ralph Adams Cram. The lantern originally hung in front of the original Town Hall which burnt in 1930.

The logo of our predecessor – The Goodman Society – incorporates a stylized portrait of Cato, the Native American who sold the land to the original settlers of the Plantation. Cato was given the title and rank “Goodman” by the colonials. He and his family lived on what is now called “Goodman's Hill”.
Who We Are
The Sudbury Historical Society (SHS) is dedicated to bringing the rich history of the Sudbury Plantation into the lives and activities of the people of Sudbury. As a non-profit organization, the society depends on donations of time, money and artifacts from our members, citizens and businesses in Sudbury, as well as from people around the country who support our mission.
History-minded citizens of Sudbury founded the Society in 1956. In 1970, it absorbed its predecessor, the Goodman Society, which was founded in 1890. Beginning in 1998, thanks to the generosity of the town's selectman, the Society was headquartered in the Second Floor of the Sudbury Town Hall. In 2020, the Society moved next door to the Loring Parsonage, where it operates the new Sudbury History Center and Museum, which opened in July, 2021.
What we do:
- Educate and interest the citizens of Sudbury in a finer public spirit, through understanding of the traditions and history of the town.
- Collect, study and conserve artifacts and records relating to the history of Sudbury and its people.
- Provide public programs and events relevant to the local history of Sudbury.
- Provide age appropriate educational materials, research and tours related to the town's history for the town's children and students.
- Assist anyone looking for information on Sudbury history.
- Support academic research into the history of the town.
The Society's Officers, Board and Staff
Officers and Trustees
The Society is a charitable, educational institution incorporated in 1956 as a Chapter 501.3c nonprofit corporation.
For details on our charter, please see:
SHS Bylaws (pdf 0.25mb)
We also follow detailed policies regarding ethical behavior:
Collections Policy (pdf 0.25mb).
The Society is a charitable, educational institution incorporated in 1956 as a Chapter 501.3c nonprofit corporation.
MA Senate and House of Representatives Citation
On May 13th, the Sudbury Historical Society celebrated the formal Grand Opening of the Sudbury History Center and Museum in the historically-renovated Loring Parsonage!
The museum opened last August, but that night was an opportunity to thank all of the amazing volunteers and donors, and especially the Sudbury Historical Society, led by President, Hartley Johnson, and Executive Director, Rachael Robinson.
Six years ago, after a request from Sudbury history buffs for state funding, Senator Mike Barrett, Rep. Carmine Gentile and Senator Jamie Eldridge secured a $260,000 earmark that was the catalyst for town and private contributions to create one of the most professional, interesting and welcoming town historical museums in the region, which also incorporated Indigenous People’s history, in consultation with a Nipmuc Tribal leader, including of course King Philip’s War storied Sudbury battles.
We were pleased to receive a Senate Citation to the museum, alongside Ravi Simon, representing Rep. Gentile.